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Rehydration for gippy tum.


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Mabel’s been through a few days of the runs. At first I put it down to the latest batch of raw having thawed slightly upon arrival. It can’t be that as she’s been off raw for about five days and her motions are still inconsistent from solid, semi-solid to 100% liquid. Yesterday morning she actually threw up in the car - she’d been on a diet of “Nature’s Menu Country Hunter” for four days and I thought that we were getting back to some semblance of of normalcy. I’ve got her on Oralade with dry toast croutons. I appreciate that we’re not qualified vets but we’ve all had such experiences and I’d trust that before any ‘professional’. Mabel seems fine although she’s struggling walk-wise due to the heat.
Is there anything other than Oralade which could help?
I buy tuna in spring water (not brine) and drain off the water. If I add a tablespoonful to about a litre T will drink that enthusiastically. You might not want to give the full litre all at once though, but that ratio seems to work for us.
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My suggestion would be Oralade, recommended by our vet.
No need to throw away what has not been used, it is safe to freeze and use at a later date.
Thank you both. We always have a supply of Oralade - is it safe to use thawed from the freezer and then re freeze?
JoanneF, you add a tbs (of the spring water?) to some tap water?
Chicken broth worked for us, made from a chicken carcasse or two boiled up for a minimum of 30 mins. The boiled meat makes for a tempting and bland treat, too.
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Chicken broth worked for us, made from a chicken carcasse or two boiled up for a minimum of 30 mins. The boiled meat makes for a tempting and bland treat, too.
Thank you, JudyN. I was thinking of that as the Oralade bottle carries the legend "100% Natural Chicken Flavour". I'll have to make up small batches to freeze.
Yes, exactly that.
Good grief, that’s a ratio of 15:1,000 or 3:200 or 1:67! Mabel’s something of a foodie (and a drama queen), would she pick up the flavour in that? I await her discernment. Many, many thanks.
It seems to be enough for Timber but I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm to use a bit more.
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It seems to be enough for Timber but I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm to use a bit more.
I wasn't by any means doubting the veracity, just amazed. Mind you, at my age every new fact is astounding. You just wait 'til you hit thirty!
If someone added a tablespoon of tuna-infused water to a litre of my drinking water, I suspect I would find it tastes iffy. Now you're going to have to try it and let us know, RGC ;-)
If someone added a tablespoon of tuna-infused water to a litre of my drinking water, I suspect I would find it tastes iffy. Now you're going to have to try it and let us know, RGC ;-)
Will do.
Have yet to give the tuna spring water a go. She’s not dehydrated but still got me up this morning at 04.50 to relieve herself (semi-sqitty). She’s not off her food - would still eat for England if we let her. There’s obviously something there that’s yet to work its way out. I’ll have to add some dry ‘bulk’ to ‘wet’ short term. On an ancillary note - has anyone used Canine Prime?
Hope I’m not tempting providence but Mabel seems much much better. I’ve had her on a mixer and some Nature’s Menu (from a pouch) for almost a week. That didn’t stop the squitty motions but was probably easier on her tummy. I’m convinced that it wasn’t her raw diet but something that she’d picked up and was working its way through her system. She had 50g of raw beef mince and tripe this eve. If we get through tonight unscathed I’ll be over the moon (and not so tired). Although I did get some tins of tuna in spring water I’ll leave the self administered experiment for now.
Although I did get some tins of tuna in spring water I’ll leave the self administered experiment for now.

If you wanted to use the tuna, you could freeze the water in an ice cube tray. Just don't use the cubes in a gin and tonic.
Really good progress - thanks for the feedback!
Glad things are progressing - I have ups and downs with my boy.

Two things I have learnt...boil white rice and strain and use cold rice water.
Second if they have a tummy bug tap water my not help but boiled water then cooled helps.
I use the rice water with the cooled boiled.
Also swear by Yudigest tummy powders six in box at onset runs etc.
Funny put Oralade was advertised on the website I get my boys food from and thought what a good idea.
Nothing to do with gippy tummy, thank God. This is a general enquiry re antiseptic cream. Does anyone have a recommendation re type which is safe to apply. She tore a dew claw this morning. We’ve cleaned the wound with salt water and the bleeding has stopped but, for the future, should it be needed, I’d like to have such in her first aid bag.
Lucillin is good to have on standby.
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